Rules Regulations & Policies

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Glossary of Terms…..Pages 2, 3, and 4

Subject…..Section Number
# Denotes this is new or has been revised since the last published edition

Agreement, Severability, and Indemnification…..8.01-8.06

Availability of Services…..1.02

Bicycles, Skateboards, etc. on Docks or Finger Piers…..4.24

Boat Launch Ramp…..5.04

Boat Maintenance…..4.03
Bulletin Board (in Boaters’ Lounge)…..7.09
Charcoal Grills and Other Cooking Devices…..4.08
Checkout Time…..2.05
Commercial Activities…..4.20

Commercial Use of Vessel-Exception…..3.03

Damage-Financial Responsibility…..8.04a

Death of Seasonal Dockage Holder…..3.10
Dinghies and Auxiliary Craft…..3.07

Disorderly Conduct…..4.10 and 4.10a

Dock Boxes…..3.15
Duty to Notify Harbor Master When Departing Marina…..3.18
Failure to Remove Boat and/or Equipment After Termination of D.P.A……3.13
Fireworks (usage)…..4.05
Fireworks Display (notice of and request to be temporarily re-located)…..5.05
Fitting Within Confines of Slip-Penalty, Exceptions…..3.05 and 3.06
Fuel-Delivery of…..4.07
Fuel-Storage of…..4.07
Ingress to and Egress From Slips…..3.19
Items Left Past Season’s End…..1.03
Last Day for Boats…..1.04

Late Fee…..3.02

Legal Precedence…..8.03a

Lost and Found…..4.27

Low Water Refund…..3.09

Maintenance of Marina Property/Premises…..4.26

Marina Speed Limit…..4.16

Marine Band Radio-Contacting Harbor Master…..2.01

Marine/Boat Insurance…..3.16
Modification to Docks and Piers…..3.14a

Moving of Boats and Vessels-Right of Harbor Master…..4.02 and 4.02a

Noise/Quiet Hours…..4.09
Non-motorized Sailboats and Sailboards (wind surfers)…..4.15

Open Flames, Toxic Chemicals, and Hazardous Equipment or Supplies…..4.04

Re-assignment to a Different Slip…..3.08
Reservable Slips…..2.03
Restroom (Head) Combination Door Locks…..4.28
Rigging and Halyards…..4.18
Right to Termination of Dockage Permit/Agreement-Marina…..3.11
Right to Termination of Dockage Permit/Agreement-Seasonal Tenant…..3.12

Seasonal Dockage Permit/Agreement (D.P.A.)…..3.03 and 3.03a

Seasonal Dockage Permit (decal)…..3.04
Seasonal Dockage Rates and Discounts…..3.01
Seasonal Tenancy Renewal…..3.01a
Season Schedule…..1.01
Slip Vacancies-Rights to…..3.17

Smoking, Vaping, and Use of E-Cigarettes…..4.06

Soliciting and Advertising…..4.19

Special Use Slip…..3.07a

Storage of Personal Gear…..4.25
Storing Items on Dock…..3.14
Swimming, Diving, Skin Diving, SCUBA Diving, and Bathing…..4.23
Throwing and Launching Sports…..4.22

Trailered Boats…..5.03

Transferring a Slip…..6.01 and 6.01a

Transient and Short-term Dockage Assignments…..2.02
Transient Dockage Fees…..2.04
Vessels Declared as Hazards…..4.01

Waiting List Policy and Procedure…..6.03-6.11

Water Works-Boaters’ Lounge…..7.01-7.11
Boat- vessel listed on the Seasonal Dockage Permit-Application and Agreement.
Bulkhead- western/inner steel sheeted wall.
Confines of a slip- longitudinal portion of a slip between the following two points: the end of the
finger pier, of a slip, that is adjacent to the fairway and where the opposite end of that finger pier
meets up with the main pier (main walkway), or the longitudinal portion of the bulkhead from
the main pier (main walkway) of a dock extending towards the fairway stopping at the point
directly across from the end of the next finger pier on the same dock, or the longitudinal portion
of the bulkhead from the south pier (southern breakwater wall) extending towards the fairway
stopping at the point directly across from the end of the next finger pier on the same (south) pier.
Dock- fixed/rigid or floating structure, including the main pier and finger piers, at which boats
are moored.
Dockage Permit/Agreement (D.P.A.)- common name given to the Seasonal Dockage PermitApplication and Agreement.
Fairway- traffic area between two docks.
Finger pier- walkway between two slips extending outward from the main pier (main walkway).
L.O.A. (length overall)- the total length of the boat or vessel including both bow and stern
projections and/or appendages such as a swim platform, bowsprit, bow pulpit, anchor
roller/bracket, outboard motor, outdrive, dinghy/raft davits, downriggers, fishing poles, etc.
Main pier (main walkway)- area of a dock perpendicular to the sidewalk and bulkhead mainly
used for pedestrian traffic.
Marina- Menominee Marina.
Marina Management Group (M.M.G.)- a volunteer group comprised of members of the
M & M Yacht Club that manages the Menominee Marina for the City of Menominee through a
Marina premises- Harbor Masters’ Office building; Fuel Dock Office (“Hut”); Water WorksBoaters’ Lounge; entire breakwater which includes the northern wall, western wall (including the
flow gates), eastern wall (main breakwater), and southern wall; area from bulkhead between L and
E docks to curb on eastern edge of Doyle Drive; area from bulkhead between E-Dock and southern
wall to the eastern edge of Great Lakes Memorial Marina Park; parking lot adjacent to boat launch
ramp; pet walk; all docks (L, A, B, C, D, E, F, S); waters within breakwater walls and bulkhead
including the entrance channel.
Seasonal dockage holder (tenant)- a person who signs and dates a Dockage Permit/Agreement
and who pays their respective seasonal rate by a given date thereby leasing a slip.
Seasonal Dockage Permit- decal issued by the Marina Management Group to all seasonal dock
holders signifying that the seasonal fee for a particular vessel has been paid.
Short-term dockage- slip or other mooring assignment given to a short-term visiting boater at
no cost.
Short-term visiting boater- boater visiting the Marina for a portion of a day but not to include an
overnight stay.
Slow-No Wake speed- the slowest speed at which a vessel can still maintain steerage.
Slip- the area of water, in which a boat or vessel could be moored, between a finger pier and the
halfway point, within the well, located between that finger pier and the next finger pier over
(e.g. L-02); or the area of water, in which a boat or vessel could be moored, between a finger pier
and the piling in the associated well (e.g. A-04); or the area of water, in which a boat or vessel could
be moored, between the bulkhead* and the aforementioned finger pier (e.g. A-01); or the area of
water, in which a boat or vessel could be moored, between the bulkhead* and a piling in the
associated well (e.g. C-02); or the area of water, in which a boat or vessel could be moored, from
the bulkhead* to the halfway point, within the well, located between the bulkhead and the
aforementioned finger pier (e.g. E-02); or the area of water, in which a boat or vessel could be
moored, from the bulkhead [beginning from the south pier (southern breakwater wall) extending
towards the fairway stopping at the point directly across from the end of the next finger pier on the
same dock] to the halfway point, within the well, located between the bulkhead and the next finger
pier over (e.g. S-01); or the area of water, in which a boat or vessel could be moored, extending
outward from the finger pier of slip S-11; or the area of water, in which a boat or vessel could be
moored, extending outward from the end of a main pier (main walkway) of a dock (e.g. A-39).
*[beginning from the main pier (main walkway) of a dock extending towards the fairway
stopping at the point directly across from the end of the next finger pier on the same dock]
Slip length- measured between the following two points: the end of the finger pier that is adjacent
to the fairway and where the opposite end of that finger pier meets up with the main pier (main
Special Use Slip- a slip used for a purpose other than mooring a (seasonal) boat, short-term visiting
vessel, or transient vessel (e.g. dinghy storage).
Transient- boater renting a slip on an overnight or multi-night basis.
Vessel- any motor, sail, or manually driven contrivance designed to be used for the purpose of
transportation or recreation upon the water.
Well- the area of water consisting of two (2) connecting slips.
1.01 The Marina will be staffed according to the schedule set for in this paragraph. Utilities,
fuel, and other services will be provided according to the same schedule. Seasonal
dockage holders may, at their own risk, occupy his/her assigned slip prior to and after the
schedule (see Rule 1.04 for further details).
Opening Date: May 15 Closing Date: October 15
1.02 The Marina reserves the right to adjust the electrical, water, fuel and/or sewage pump-out
services in the event of an emergency, facility breakdown, or due to the effects of high
water elevations.
1.03 The Marina assumes no responsibility for any items (hoses, lines, fenders, etc.) left by
seasonal dockage holders after the close of the season.
1.04 All boats must be out of the Marina as of noon on October 31. Anyone not out of the
Marina by this deadline will be assessed $100.00, and anyone not out of the Marina by
November 01 shall lose his or her dockage facility for the next year.
2.01 All visiting boaters shall check with the Harbor Master prior to docking or fueling. The
Harbor Master monitors VHF-FM Marine Band Channel 09. REV. 08-08-2021
2.02 Transient and short-term dockage assignments will be made by the Harbor Master on duty.
Transient vessels will be limited to a seven (7) consecutive day docking period. Transients
must be out of the Marina for 48 hours consecutive before a new period may begin. The
Harbor Master may use discretion in applying this rule if overcrowding is not a problem.
2.03 Transient boaters may reserve, in advance, any of the slips specially designated as
reservable transient slips by making a reservation and providing a credit card number. All
other transient boaters will be assigned dockage on a first-come-first-served basis.
Transient boaters can, however, call up to four (4) hours in advance of their arrival to the
Marina via telephone or Marine Band Radio to obtain a dockage assignment.
2.04 All transient dockage fees shall be paid in full at the time of registration.
2.05 Checkout time is at 11:00 a.m. Transients desiring to stay beyond that time, but not
overnight, shall contact the Harbor Master on duty for short-term dockage availability.
Transients desiring to stay another night shall contact the Harbor Master on duty for a
dockage assignment.
3.01 Seasonal dockage rates are established by the Michigan State Waterways Commission.
Persons who lease a seasonal dockage facility after June 15th for the remainder of the season
will be assessed a prorated seasonal dockage rate per the following schedule:

Committed on or after June 16 thru July 15: 80% of seasonal dockage rate
Committed on or after July 16 thru August 15: 60% of seasonal dockage rate
Committed on or after August 16 thru September 15: 40% of seasonal dockage rate
Committed on or after September 16 thru October 15: 20% of seasonal dockage rate
The following discount will also apply: a $100 discount will be applied to the seasonal
dockage rate for tenants leasing any of the following slips A-39, A-40, B-36, C-41, C-42,
E-41, E-42, F-41 and F-42.*
EXCEPTION: If a tenant leases both slips at the end of a main pier (e.g. A-39 and A-40) the $100 discount will not apply to either slip. 03-13-2020 3.01a Persons wanting to be considered as seasonal dockage holders for the upcoming season must have his/her deposit received by the date indicated in the literature that is mailed by the Marina Management Group via First Class U.S. Mail. Anyone not returning his/her completed, signed, and dated Seasonal Dockage Permit-Application and Agreement (Dockage Permit/Agreement) along with the appropriate deposit by the due date will be 6 considered as not returning for the upcoming season. Any vacancies resulting from such will be filled according to the waiting list procedure (see Section VI). DEPOSITS ARE NON-REFUNDABLE. 3.02 Persons not having his/her balance received or postmarked by the due date will be assessed a $100 late fee. If the balance is not paid by the opening date of the Marina, that person will be considered as not returning for that season. Any vacancies resulting from such will be filled according to the waiting list procedure (see Section VI). DEPOSITS ARE NON-REFUNDABLE. REV. 08-05-2021 EXCEPTION: Any seasonal dockage holder (tenant) requesting a refund due to issues regarding COVID-19 shall be granted a 100% prorated refund of the seasonal dockage fee minus the deposit, which is non-refundable, and a 100% refund of any dock box fee paid provided his/her seasonal dockage fee has already been paid IN FULL. That tenant’s slip will be held with said tenant being offered first opportunity to lease it for the 2021 season. A written request specifying the reason for requesting a refund shall be submitted to the Marina Management Group prior to any refund being granted. Any such request shall be submitted no later than June 30, 2020. 05-15-2020 3.03 A Seasonal Dockage Permit (decal) is granted to a specific seasonal dockage holder, the owner of the specific boat described in the Dockage Permit/Agreement, and is not assignable or transferable to any other person, entity, boat, or vessel. The Seasonal
Dockage Permit entitles the seasonal dockage holder to dock the boat, so described, in the
assigned slip and assumes the subject boat is to be utilized exclusively for personal
recreation by the seasonal dockage holder. Any commercial use of the boat by a seasonal
dockage holder and/or his/her assigns is a violation of the Seasonal Dockage Permit and will
result in immediate termination of same and loss of all rights and privileges hereunder.**
Principle ownership of a boat is considered to be 51% ownership.
*EXCEPTION: See Rule 3.03a for details. Rev. 08-09-2021
*EXCEPTION: The Michigan State Waterways Commission does allow commercial use of a vessel within the Marina. However, each application for commercial use is handled on a case-by-case basis and must meet City of Menominee and State of Michigan operating requirements. In addition, the seasonal dockage rate will be at twice the published “Seasonal Moorage Rate” as prescribed by the Michigan State Waterways Commission. 3.03a If the seasonal dockage holder (tenant) purchases a boat that he/she wants to moor in his/her assigned slip in place of the boat listed on the Dockage Permit/Agreement, the tenant shall notify the M.M.G., in writing, of such and shall provide the M.M.G., in writing, with the particulars (name, registration numbers, H.I.N./B.H.N., etc.) of said boat and provide documentation as required in Rule 3.16 no later than 72 hours after docking said boat in said slip. The M.M.G. will issue a new Seasonal Dockage Permit (decal) for the newly acquired boat, and the decal issued for the other boat will be null and void. 08-09-2021 3.04 Each seasonal dockage holder will be issued a Seasonal Dockage Permit (decal) for the boat listed on his or her Seasonal Dockage Permit- Agreement and Application. This decal shall be affixed to such vessel in the following manner: place the decal above the rub rail on the dockside quarter of the boat that is closest to the main pier. Failure to have the decal properly displayed when the boat is moored within the Marina will result in the seasonal dockage holder being charged the transient dockage rate for each day in violation even if the 7 seasonal dockage fee has been paid in full. 3.05 In accordance with Michigan Waterways Commissions rule No. C. 7. of section XVI, ALL vessels shall fit within the confines of the assigned slip (see definition). The L.O.A. of such vessels cannot exceed the confines of the assigned slip. Further, seasonal dockage holders shall tie his/her boat in a manner so that NO portion of his/her boat hangs over the main pier (main walkway) or sticks out into the fairway. Any seasonal dockage holder unable to meet this requirement will be re-assigned to a slip large enough to accommodate his/her boat and must pay any difference in fee. If no such slip is available that seasonal dockage holder will be notified, in writing, by the Marina Management Group, assessed a $400.00 penalty, and shall apply to the Intra-Marina Move List requesting a slip large enough to accommodate his/her boat for the following season. Affected tenants who fail to apply for a larger slip or those who do not accept the larger slip when it is offered by the Marina Management Group will lose his/her seasonal docking privileges for that particular boating season.
Rev. 03-28-2011 and 03-04-2020

If no such slip is available the following season, that affected person must choose one (1) of
the following two (2) options:
OPTION 1- The seasonal dockage holder shall pay a $400.00 penalty and shall apply to get
on the Intra-Marina Move List requesting a slip large enough to accommodate his/her
boat (this option is only available for a maximum of three (3) years).
OPTION 2- The seasonal dockage holder shall request, in writing, that his/her Dockage Permit
Agreement be deemed void, and a prorated amount (based on the date that the
dockage facility was leased, the amount paid in thus far, and the date the Marina
Management Group notified the seasonal tenant of the violation) will be refunded.
That person will then have to seek dockage elsewhere. Rev. 03-28-2011
*EXCEPTION: Grandfather Clause- All 2002 seasonal dock holders will be grandfathered
thus protecting them from any penalty and from losing his/her docking
privileges. This clause only applies to the boat docked in 2002 provided that
nothing has been added to that boat since 2002 which caused its length to
increase (e.g., swim platform, anchor roller/bracket, outboard motor, dinghy/raft
davits, downriggers, fishing poles, etc.). Rev. 02-2010

EXCEPTION: Boats docked in A-39, A-40, B-36, C-41, C-42, E-41, E-42, F-01, F-02, F-41, and F-42- If the length overall (L.O.A.) of the boat of a tenant who leases a slip at the end of a dock (e.g. A-39, A-40, B-36, C-41, C-42, E-41, E-42, F-41 and F-42) exceeds the confines of that slip, said boat may extend beyond where the end of said slip meets up with the main pier (main walkway) as long as NO portion of said boat extends beyond the halfway point of the main pier (main walkway) associated with that slip.* 03-04-2020
**Tenants in the above listed situation shall pay the seasonal dockage rate for
the next larger slip less (minus) the $100 “end of dock discount.” 03-04-2020
*EXCEPTION: The boat of a tenant leasing slip D-01, F-01, or slip F-02 may exceed the confines
of the slip at the discretion of the Marina Management Group. However, if
permission is granted to do so, NO portion of his/her boat shall hang over the main
pier (main walkway) and NO portion of the boat in F-01 can extend more than ten
(10) feet beyond the point located directly across from the end of the next finger
pier on the same dock. Similarly, NO portion of the boat in F-02 can extend more
than five (5) feet beyond the point located directly across from the end of the next
finger pier on the same dock. In the event said boat extends beyond the confines
of slip D-01 the seasonal dockage fee will be whatever the seasonal dockage rate
is for a 40’ slip. In the event said boat extends beyond the confines of slip F-01
the seasonal dockage fee will be whatever the seasonal dockage rate is for a 50’
slip. In the event said boat extends beyond the confines of slip F-02 the seasonal
dockage fee will be whatever the seasonal dockage rate is for a 35’ slip.
03-13-2020 and 06-24-2020
3.06 A seasonal dockage holder who purchases a boat requiring a slip larger than that of his/her
present slip assignment will no longer fall under the grandfather clause under Rule 3.05 and
must apply for the larger slip via application to the Intra-Marina Move List (see Rule 6.03 for
details on applying). The Marina is not automatically obligated to fulfill the seasonal
dockage holder’s need for the larger slip and will do so only if a slip of necessary size is
available according the provisions described in the waiting list procedure (see Section VI for
3.07 Dinghies or other auxiliary craft of a size suitable to be carried on board the boat may be
stored in the slip so long as this storage does not extend beyond the confines of the assigned
slip and providing the dinghy or other auxiliary craft is removed from the slip when the boat
is out of the Marina for more than one day. The dinghy or auxiliary craft may be stored on
the dock directly in front of the slip provided the dinghy or auxiliary craft does not obstruct
the adjacent finger pier in any way, does not occupy more than twenty (20) lineal inches of
the main pier surface (measured from the edge of the dock boards closest to the seasonal
tenant’s slip), and is no more than ten (10) feet in length. The Marina Management Group
does approve of an angle bracket support (See Rule 3.14). The approved plan can be
obtained from the Marina Management Group by E-mail or at the Harbor Masters’ Office. As
an alternate, but not in addition to, this dock space may be used for a dock storage box (dock
box). Rev. 02-27-11
3.07a The Marina Management Group (MMG) reserves the right to designate any unleased slip as a
Special Use Slip. The use or purpose of such a slip shall be at the sole discretion of the
MMG. 11-22-2021
3.08 The Marina Management Group reserves the right to re-assign any seasonal dockage holder
(tenant) to another slip. This might be necessary due to needed repairs, maintenance, or
because an extension to the finger pier was added to make that slip longer. Should, in the
case of the latter situation, this re-assignment results in the tenant being assigned to a larger
slip, that tenant will have the option of remaining in his/her current slip assignment and pay
the seasonal fee based on that slip’s former length for up to two (2) consecutive seasons or
requesting to be moved to another slip via an Intra-Marina Move Request. 02-03-2020
3.09 In a situation where low water causes the seasonal dockage holder’s current slip assignment to
be unusable, he/she must submit a request in writing in order to be re-located to another slip
within the Marina where the depth of water is sufficient for his/her boat. A prorated refund
will be granted only if there is no other unoccupied slip with sufficient water depth available
within the Marina and providing the request to re-locate is made no later than May 15. The
Marina considers sufficient water depth to be where fourteen (14) inches or more exist(s)
between the lowest portion of the vessel and the bottom of the Marina. In the event that the
seasonal dockage holder is relocated, it shall be on a temporary basis, and every attempt will
be made to return him/her to his/her previous slip assignment.
3.10 If a seasonal dockage holder dies, his/her spouse or other designated family member may
make a written request to the Marina Management Group for a prorated refund of any
payment made for seasonal dockage and/or dock box for the current or upcoming boating
season. Rev. 08-2009
3.11 The Marina shall have the right to terminate a seasonal dockage holder’s Dockage
Permit/Agreement without cause by giving notice, in writing, to the seasonal dockage holder
within 72 hours prior to such termination provided that the seasonal dockage holder shall be
entitled to a prorated refund of any seasonal dockage fee already paid. However, no refunds
shall be made if termination of this permit is due to a seasonal dockage holder’s (or their
guest’s) violation of any of the terms and conditions of the Dockage Permit/Agreement, any
of the rules and regulations incorporated herein, or any such other reasonable rules and
regulations as the Marina may publish, post, and/or distribute from time to time.
3.12 The seasonal dockage holder shall have the right to terminate his/her Dockage
Permit/Agreement by giving the Marina written notice. The seasonal dock holder shall not be
entitled to a refund of the deposit but will be entitled to a refund of the remaining balance
provided that the written notice is postmarked not later than the due date for that balance.
3.13 Seasonal dockage holders agree to remove or cause the boat and/or equipment associated with
said boat to be removed from the Marina within ten (10) days after termination of his/her
Dockage Permit/Agreement. If the seasonal dockage holder fails to remove the boat and/or
equipment associated with said boat in a timely fashion after the termination of this permit, the
Marina shall have the option of (a) charging daily transient fees or (b) pursuing another
remedy available under the law.
3.14 Seasonal dockage holders shall not store supplies; materials; accessories; debris; or
items such as, but not limited to, a tent, awning, satellite dish, post or bracket for
mounting a satellite dish, sign, flower pot, anchor, cooler, or chair(s), upon any main
pier or finger pier nor shall any of these articles be attached to the main pier, finger pier,
or any of the upright posts associated with a slip. Rev. 06-2010
3.14a Seasonal dockage holders shall not construct, install, or affix any lockers, chests, cabinets,
or similar structures to any finger pier or main pier. Under certain conditions, structures
and/or modifications including, but not limited to, steps, ladders, fender boards/fender
board extensions, ramps, davits, or dinghy brackets/supports may be added, but the
seasonal dockage holder shall obtain prior written approval from the Harbor Master
Manager or Marina Management Group (Rev. 06-10) after completing the required form
(Request to Modify Main Pier or Finger Pier) and submitting a sketch of the proposed plan.
Any such structures or modifications shall be in good taste, made of pressure-treated
lumber, affixed using screws and/or nut and bolts, structurally sound, and shall not protrude
into any portion of the slip by more than nine-and-a-half (9 1/2) inches (measured outward
from the lateral surface of the finger pier closest to the tenant’s slip or outward from the
outer-most edge of the “I” beam, of the main pier, in front of the tenant’s slip).
*Rev. 03-01-2011
The Marina shall not be held responsible for any damages incurred to any such structures
or modifications. Further, any expenses incurred by the Marina to remove any damaged
structure(s) and/or modification(s) or expenses incurred by the Marina resulting from
damage to Marina property caused by a structure(s) or modification(s) added by a seasonal
dockage holder will be charged to the seasonal dockage holder making such modifications
and/or additions. The seasonal dockage holder shall remove any such structures or
modifications within ten (10) days after he/she vacates that slip due to an intra-marina
move, termination of Dockage Permit/Agreement, or non-renewal of the Dockage
Permit/Agreement. Failure to comply with the removal deadline will result in the assess-
ment of a $100.00 fee to cover costs of having Marina personnel removing such items.
*EXCEPTION: Protrusion by more than nine-and-a-half (9 1/2) inches does not apply to the
dinghy storage bracket approved by the Marina (Rev. 06-05) or any other dinghy
storage device approved by the Marina provided that the dinghy storage
bracket/device be can collapsed to the point where it will not protrude into any
portion of the slip by more than nine-and-a-half (9 1/2) inches (measured outward
from the lateral surface of the finger pier closest to the tenant’s slip or outward
from the outer-most edge of the “I” beam, of the main pier, in front of the tenant’s
slip. Rev. 03-01-2011

3.15 All dock boxes are to be rented from the Marina at the prescribed seasonal fee. No privately
owned dock boxes are allowed on the docks. Seasonal dockage holders desiring a dock
box must indicate that on his/her Dockage Permit/Agreement, via written memo, or
E-mail by April 20. Rev. 02-27-2011
3.16 Seasonal dockage holders agree to arrange for the boat to be covered by a marine insurance
policy (hull coverage and protection and indemnity liability coverage), to provide the Marina
with a proof of insurance certificate or other form of proof of insurance coverage, and to
provide the Marina with a copy of said policy on demand. Rev. 03-28-2011
3.17 When a slip is vacant due to the seasonal dockage holder being gone overnight or longer, the
Marina Management Group has the sole and exclusive right to rent it out to transient boaters.
3.18 Any seasonal dockage holder leaving the Marina via boat shall notify the Harbor Master on
duty as to the expected date and time of return to the Marina. The Harbor Master on duty,
using this information, may assign seasonal slips to visiting boaters (transients), on a
temporary basis, with a goal of having that slip cleared for the return of its seasonal dockage
holder. Failure to notify the Harbor Master on duty as to your expected date and time
of return may result in you being temporarily assigned to another slip until your slip is
vacated. Seasonal dockage holders shall also notify the Harbor Master on duty at least four
(4) hours in advance of their return to the Marina if their trip plan is altered and an earlier
return is anticipated. Efforts will be made to have the seasonal dockage holder’s slip cleared
by the time he/she arrives. However, it may be necessary to temporarily assign the seasonal
dockage holder to another slip in the event that the transient boater presently occupying that
slip cannot be located.
3.19 There is no guarantee of ingress to or egress from any slip during the Menominee Waterfront
Festival or anytime from any of the following slips: L-01, A-01, A-02, B-01, B-02, C-01,
C-02, D-01, D-02, E-01, E-02, F-01, F-02, or S-01. 07-2008 Rev. 03-28-2011 and
Rev. 02-03-2020
4.01 Any boat or vessel entering the Marina must be seaworthy and not constitute a fire hazard
or obstruction to navigation. Any boat or vessel that is a hazard shall be removed from the
Marina immediately when directed to do so by the Marina Management Group, its agent,
or its representative.
4.02 In the event of an emergency affecting a boat or vessel or other boats or vessels, dock(s),
pier(s), person(s) and/or property, the Harbor Master, in his/her sole discretion, reserves the
right to move or re-secure any boat or vessel provided that the Marina shall not be required
to provide this service. In the event such service is provided, the seasonal dockage holder,
transient boater, or short-term visiting boater shall be required to pay all costs incurred by the
Marina, its agent, or its representative thereof for service(s) rendered. Rev. 08-09-2021
4.02a In the event an operator of a vessel moors said vessel within the confines of the Marina
without first being assigned a dockage facility by a Marina staff member, any Marina staff
member, in his/her sole discretion suitable to the Marina’s needs, reserves the right to move
said vessel to another location within the Marina. 02-03-2020
4.03 Normal maintenance of boats shall be permitted, but this shall not include any major repairs or
refinishing. In that case, special permission shall be obtained, from the Harbor Master on
duty, to make repairs sufficient to remove the vessel from the Marina. Excessive use of
Marina utilities such as water and electric power for unrelated uses such as washing
automobiles will not be permitted.
4.04 Use of any open flame device, toxic chemicals, or any other hazardous equipment or
supplies on or within the Marina premises is prohibited. This shall not apply to any
staff member, agent, representative, or contractor of the Marina. Rev. 08-01-2021
4.05 Fireworks, other than those used by an agent or organization designated by the Menominee
Waterfront Festival Committee and/or the City of Menominee, are strictly prohibited.
Rev. 06-14-14
4.06 Smoking, vaping, and use of E-cigarettes is prohibited in all Marina buildings and within the
marked area at the Fuel Dock. Rev. 11-23-2021
4.07 Gasoline or other fuels are permitted only in approved fuel containers specifically
designed to hold that particular fuel aboard a vessel. No delivery of gasoline or other
fuels into the fuel tank of any vessel from a tanker truck or by any other method of
delivery while said vessel is in the Marina or upon it premises shall be allowed. Fueling
shall be permitted only at the Fuel Dock from Marina fueling equipment.
4.08 Charcoal grills or other cooking devices may not be used on the wood decked piers. Placing
grills or other cooking devices on the sidewalk adjacent to the west side of the Marina or
using grills provided by the Marina which are installed near the foot of each dock is
suggested for this purpose. Grills shall not be placed on or over any lawn area.Rev. 02-27-2011
4.09 Noise shall be held to a minimum. Discretion must be used in operating motors, generators, or
accessories capable of producing loud noise so as not to create a nuisance. Per Menominee
City Ordinance 2:4.4, quiet hours are from 10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. local time. Disorderly
conduct shall constitute cause for removal from the Marina premises.
4.10 Disorderly or indecorous conduct, foul language, or actions which might cause injury or
damage to persons or property on or within the Marina premises by any person using, visiting,
or occupying a boat or vessel within the Marina shall be cause for revocation of any permit
issued, directly or implied, for use of the dock and related facilities. The seasonal dockage
holder, short-term visiting boater, transient boater, or his/her authorized agent shall be
responsible for the conduct of all persons using, visiting, or occupying his/her boat or vessel.
Rev. 08-09-2021
4.10a Disorderly or indecorous conduct, foul language, and/or actions which could cause injury or
damage to persons or property on or within the Marina premises committed by any person(s)
are strictly prohibited. Such person(s) will be warned to terminate such behavior or will be
advised to leave the Marina premises depending on the nature of the unwanted behavior. In
the case of the latter, if a person refuses and/or fails to leave the Marina premises upon being
told to do so by a Marina staff member or a member of the M.M.G., law enforcement will be
contacted and requested to arrest said person for Criminal Trespassing. 08-05-2021

4.11 No loitering will be permitted in Harbor Masters’ Office or other areas of the building, or at
the Fuel Dock Office (“Hut”). Those persons having business with the Harbor Master or his
assistants are welcome to use the facilities required.
4.12 Pollution of any kind is strictly prohibited. No garbage; refuse; oil, fuel, sludge, or other
petroleum products; sewage or other waste materials; or any other polluting substance shall be
thrown, discharged, or deposited, or permitted to be thrown, discharged, or deposited into the
water, on the piers, docks, or shore areas of the Marina except in receptacles provided. Any
disposal of waste oil, fuel, or other petroleum products shall be deposited in the container
inside the Harbor Masters’ storage room (not in the dumpster or storm drains). Please ask
Harbor Master for assistance.
4.13 No rafting shall be permitted within the Marina without express permission of the Harbor
Master on duty.
4.14 No boat or vessel shall be at anchor within the Marina.
4.15 Non-motorized sailboats and sailboards (wind surfers) are allowed in the Marina for the
purpose of entering and exiting. The Harbor Master has the responsibility of policing those
abusing the privilege.
4.16 All vessels underway within the Marina shall do so at a Slow-No-Wake speed.
4.17 Fishing will be permitted from the breakwater, sidewalk, and main piers (main walkways)
of docks only so long as such activity does not unreasonably interfere with the right-of-
way of boaters using the facility. Likewise, as a courtesy, boaters shall not unreasonably
interfere with fishing activities. Fishing on finger piers will only be permitted by the
seasonal dockage holders (and their guests) assigned to that particular slip.
4.18 Sailboat rigging and halyards shall be secured while the vessel is moored within the Marina
in a manner that will ensure against noise being produced during windy conditions.
4.19 No soliciting or advertising in the form of signs, placards, billboards, or banners shall be
allowed on the Marina premises, but handout cards and literature can be placed in the
Harbor Masters’ Office, Fuel Dock Office (“Hut”), and/or Water Works-Boaters’ Lounge
upon approval of the Harbor Master Manager or a member of the Marina Management
Group. The allowable sizes of postings are as follows:
Personal: 5 1/2″ X 8 1/2″ Of interest to the boating community: 8 1/2″ X 11″
4.20 No commercial activities shall be permitted on or within the Marina premises without
express written permission from the Marina Management Group.
4.21 All pets on the Marina premises shall be controlled on a leash, walked at the pet walk located
at the north end of the Marina, and cleaned up after.
4.22 No throwing or launching sports shall be permitted on or within the Marina premises.
4.23 No swimming, diving, skin diving, SCUBA diving, or bathing shall be permitted in the
waters of the Marina.
4.24 No bicycles, roller skates, inline roller skates (Roller Blades), skateboards, scooters, mopeds
or other motor vehicles shall be permitted on the docks or finger piers. The use of bicycles on
the docks by Marina staff members for the purpose of conducting Marina business (dock
checks, customer assistance, etc.) or use of motor vehicles on docks by the Marina staff
members, its agents, representatives, or contractors for the purpose of maintenance shall be
permitted. Rev. 02-03-2020 and 08-09-2021
4.25 No storage of personal gear will be allowed in any Marina building.
4.26 The Marina Management Group (M.M.G.), its staff members, and hired contractors are solely
responsible for maintenance of and/or repairs to the Marina premises, which also includes any
and all equipment and property under the responsibility of the M.M.G. as listed in the
contract between the M.M.G. and the City of Menominee. All other persons, except those
authorized by the M.M.G., including seasonal tenants and transient boaters, are strictly
prohibited from performing maintenance and/or repairs to such items. Maintenance and/or
repairs include, but are not limited to, plank replacement, post (upright) replacement, pressure
washing of docks including finger piers, electrical repairs, and painting. Rev. 08-09-2021
4.27 Found items should be turned into the Harbor Masters’ Office, the Marina’s designated
Lost and Found. The Marina, the City of Menominee, M & M Yacht Club, Marina
Management Group, State of Michigan, and all of their departments, agencies, boards,
commissions, officers, employees, and agents shall not be responsible for any items lost or
stolen on or within the Marina premises. 02-25-11 Rev. 08-09-2021
4.28 The combination for the padlocks on the dock carts, keypad locks on the restroom (head)
doors, and keypad locks to the Water Works-Boaters’ Lounge shall be sent via text message
to the seasonal dockage holders (tenants) whenever it changes. The combination will be
given to transients upon registration. Tenants and transients shall not disclose the current
combination to anyone with the exception of his/her guests. For security reasons the
combination will be changed on a regular basis. Rev. 02-03-2020
5.01 No camping shall be permitted on the Marina premises.
5.02 All vehicles servicing or used in connection with any type of boat or vessel must remain on
the regularly established roads or parking areas. When not in actual use, all cars, trucks, and
other motor vehicles must be parked in the designated parking areas. For vehicles that will be
parked at the Marina for more than 24 hours, please use the west side of Doyle Drive, the
parking area east of the Water Works-Boaters’ Lounge, or consider parking at the municipal
parking lot located at the corner of 2nd Street and 8th Avenue.
5.03 No trailers or trailered boats are allowed to be parked on Doyle Drive. All trailers and
trailered boats shall remain attached to the towing vehicle which must be parked in the
northwest corner of the Marina parking area near the Water Works-Boaters’ Lounge, the
north corner of the Marina parking area near the boat launch ramp, or in the municipal
parking lot located at the comer of 2nd Street and 8th Avenue. Rev. 11-22-2021
5.04 There is a designated boat launch ramp located on the northern side of the Marina.
Appropriate fees should be paid, as they are NOT part of any seasonal or transient fee.
(Rev. 03-01-11). Parking of vehicles and trailers on the launch ramp is strictly prohibited.
Any person(s) utilizing any other launching technique (cranes, etc.) must have express
written consent of the Marina Management Group in advance. The launcher will assume all
liabilities. Rev. 11-22-2021
5.05 If a fireworks display takes place where fireworks are ignited on or projected off a Marina
breakwater, seasonal dockage holders (tenants) shall be contacted via E-mail at least one week
prior to the commencement of the fireworks display notifying them of such. If a tenant wants
his/her boat to be located in another location within the Marina during the fireworks display
he/she shall give notice to a Marina staff member at least 72 hours in advance of the fireworks
display in order to obtain a temporary dockage assignment. The tenant, upon receipt of the
temporary dockage assignment, shall move his/her vessel to the temporary dockage
assignment no later than noon on the day of the fireworks display.
6.01 A seasonal dockage holder selling his/her boat may allow the purchaser to use his/her dockage
facility for the remainder of the season. The new owner, however, must apply for seasonal
dockage via the waiting list if he/she intends on returning to the Marina the following year.
6.01a The new owner of a boat, as described in Rule 6.01, shall complete and return a Dockage
Permit/Agreement no later than 72 hours after acquiring ownership of said boat. 08-01-2021
6.02 A seasonal dockage holder not intending to use his/her dockage assignment may relinquish
the dockage facility to the Marina Management Group for subleasing for the remainder of
the season provided the dockage holder’s slip fee is paid according to the established schedule.
(Rev. 03-04-11) The seasonal dockage holder must complete, sign, and return a Sublease
Application either postmarked or submitted in person no later than June 30, before subleasing
will be considered by the Marina Management Group. The Marina Management Group
retains the sole and exclusive rights for all subleases. The Marina Management Group will
use the waiting list as the sole source of potential sublessees. Facilities relinquished to the
Marina for subleasing will be subleased in the order in which the requests are received. The
Marina Management Group will not solicit a sublessee for a dockage facility until there are no
vacant dockage facilities of the same size available within the Marina. If a sublessee is found,
the seasonal dockage holder shall be entitled to a prorated refund (see Prorated Refund
Schedule listed below) equal to no more than the full amount received by the Marina for the
subleasing of the dockage facility and dock box (if applicable), excluding any and all transient
fees collected. Subleasing shall in no way limit the Marina Management Group from selling
transient boater dockage in the absence of the dockage holder or sublessee. All rights of
dockage transfer to the sublessee with the exception of the annual renewal of seasonal
dockage for that particular facility. That right is held by the seasonal dockage holder (tenant).
Rev. 02-27-2011

(Prorated Refund Schedule)
Subleased on or before June 15: 100% of amount paid in is refunded
Subleased between June 16 thru July 15: 80% of amount paid in is refunded
Subleased between July 16 thru August 15: 60% of amount paid in is refunded
Subleased between August 16 thru September 15: 40% of amount paid in is refunded
Subleased between September 16 thru October 15: 20% of amount paid in is refunded
Rev. 03-28-2011
Subleasing is limited to two (2) consecutive boating seasons. Seasonal dockage holders
may elect to use his/her slip until a sublessee is found for his/her dockage facility. If, at
anytime, the dockage holder desires to rescind this request, the request SHALL be made in
WRITING. This request will not be honored, however, if the dockage facility has already been
subleased prior to the Marina Management Group receiving the written request. Rev. 02-2010
6.03 It is the policy of the Marina Management Group to offer the previous season’s slip
holder (seasonal dockage holder) the right to retain his/her dockage assignment each year by
paying the seasonal fee per a specified schedule. Thereafter, any openings in the Marina
will be assigned by the following priority:
Tier 1. (Intra-Marina Move List):
Persons already having a dockage assignment on a seasonal basis but wishing to
change location within the Marina shall have first priority. Rev. 02-07-2011
Tier 2. (Sublessee List):
Persons already having a dockage assignment on a sublease basis but wishing to
become a seasonal tenant of the Marina shall have second priority. Rev. 02-07-2011
Tier 3. (General Waiting List):
All other persons wishing to become seasonal tenants shall have third priority.
LIST IS SUBMITTED TO THE MARINA. Rev. 02-07-11 and 08-09-2021

A Seasonal Dockage Holder (tenant) is allowed to make only one (1) Intra-Marina Move Request
per boat at a time. Once the Intra-Marina Move Request is fulfilled, the tenant’s name, along with
his/her request, will be deleted from the Intra-Marina Move List. The tenant, then, however, has the
opportunity to request another Intra-Marina Move, if he/she desires, by submitting a new IntraMarina Move Request Form (see rule 6.03 for details on applying to the Intra-Marina Move List).
If the desired dockage facility (request) changes the tenant can amend his/her Intra-Marina Move
Request without losing his/her position on the Intra-Marina Move List. However, any amendment
to the tenant’s Intra-Marina Move Request shall be submitted by said tenant in writing via E-mail or
via submitting a new Intra-Marina Move Request Form before that request will be considered by the
Marina Management Group. Any amendment submitted by said tenant shall supersede any prior
request submitted.
If the tenant has a specific preference with his/her request (e.g., slip on a floating dock only, finger
pier with port side tie only, slip on north side of dock only, not an end slip, not near the sidewalk,
etc.) that tenant should be certain to list it in the request section of the Intra-Marina Move Request
Form. If no specific preference is listed, and the tenant is offered a slip that matches his/her generic
request (e.g., 35’ slip), and the tenant refuses that offer, that will count as a decline per Rule 6.11.
If the tenant has more than one specific preference listed, the tenant will be contacted ONLY if
there is a slip that simultaneously matches ALL specific preferences that he/she listed in the request
section of the Intra-Marina Move Request Form. 02-29-2020

6.04 As dockage facilities become available, either on a seasonal or sublease basis, the next
name on the Waiting List, beginning with Tier 1 and moving progressively downward, who
has specifically requested the available facility, will be offered the vacancy. Rev. 02-07-2011
It is always an option to accept or reject a vacant facility that is offered on a sublease basis.
Notice, however, that accepting a vacancy on a sublease basis does result in a higher
priority for a regular, seasonal dockage assignment the following boating season.
6.05 Since the Waiting List Application requires specificity regarding one’s request, a Waiting
List applicant (applicant) will NOT be called unless there is an available dockage facility
that matches the applicant’s specific request when we reach his/her name on the Waiting List.
An applicant’s name will remain on the Waiting List until one of the following occur:

  1. The applicant requests that his/her name be deleted from the Waiting List
  2. The applicant is offered a dockage facility that matches his/her request
    and accepts such
  3. The applicant refuses/declines two offers (made in separate calendar years) for
    a dockage facility that matches his/her specific request (see Rule 6.11 below
    for further details). Rev. 02-07-2011 and 03-07-2012

6.07 After the seasonal dockage deposit deadline has passed (typically in mid to late January),
members of the Marina Management Group will begin contacting applicants attempting to
fill any vacancies. Using the telephone number(s) listed with the person’s application, a
Marina Management Group member will attempt to contact the next applicant on the
Waiting List whose specific request matches an available dockage facility, leaving
messages when possible. If no telephone contact is obtained with the applicant in two (2)
days, the applicant will be contacted via E-mail (provided an E-mail address is given to the
Marina), requesting that he or she contact the Marina without delay.
02-07-2011 Rev. 03-28-2011
6.08 If the dockage facility offered is no longer available when the Marina does receive the
return call or E-mail from the applicant due to a substantial delay between the time Marina
personnel attempted contact and when the applicant made contact with the Marina, the
applicant will be considered as having declined the offer. Rev. 02-07-2011
6.09 If the applicant does not respond within thirty (30) days after an attempt has been made to
contact him or her by someone on behalf of the Marina, the Marina will assume the
applicant is no longer interested in remaining on the Waiting List, and his/her name will be
deleted from it. The Marina considers the four (4) following methods as contact having been
attempted to an applicant:
 Calling the telephone number(s) listed on the Waiting List Application and leaving a
message on an answering machine or voice mail system
 Calling the telephone number(s) listed on the Waiting List Application and leaving a
message with the person who answers the telephone on behalf of the applicant
 Calling the telephone number(s) listed numerous times, getting no answer each time, and not
being afforded the opportunity to leave a message for the applicant on an answering
machine or on a voice mail system
 Sending an E-mail message to the address provided by the applicant Rev. 02-07-2011
6.10 If the Marina is able to make contact with an applicant who advises he or she will contact
the Marina if interested in leasing a dockage facility, and he or she fails to respond back,
the Marina will also consider that as a decline. Rev. 02-07-2011
6.11 A Waiting List applicant has the option of refusing/declining the dockage facility
offered, once, without losing his or her position on the Waiting List, provided the
facility offered matches with what the applicant requested. However, a second
refusal/decline to accept a dockage facility will cause that applicant to be deleted
from the Waiting List to which they will not be able to re-apply until January 01
of the following calendar year. Rev. 02-07-2011
7.01 Please keep heads (bathrooms) clean by wiping down shower, cleaning off counter top,
cleaning mirror, and taking all your personal belongings.
7.02 Please keep all others areas clean by picking up and putting all items back to their correct
place. Cleaning supplies are provided in closet marked in hallway if needed.
7.03 Children under 14 are not allowed in building unless supervised by a parent.
7.04 All guests of tenants must be accompanied by same.
7.05 No private or exclusive gatherings are allowed.
7.06 There are books, charts and other items for your use and are marked, “Property of
Menominee Marina, please do not remove from premises.”
7.07 The kitchen is not available for general use.
7.08 NO adding or deleting of computer programs is allowed. No games are to be installed.
7.09 Bulletin board: Messages may contain information of personal items for sale or information
of general interest to fellow boaters. The maximum size for personal posting is 5 1/2″ X
8 1/2” (half sheet). The maximum size for postings of general interest messages to the
boating community is 8 1/2″ x 11″ (full sheet). All postings shall be submitted to the
Harbor Master for consideration and approval by the Manager.
7.10 Unruly, intoxicated, or abusive persons or any persons found damaging or removing
contents of this facility, or using profane or obscene language will lose his/her privileges to
this facility, any dockage assignment they are registered to, and face criminal prosecution.
7.11 Persons consuming food and/or beverage items provided by the Marina are asked to give a
donation as suggested on the list posted on the counter top and on the tables in the dining
area of the Water Works-Boaters’ Lounge. 03-28-2011
8.01 All seasonal dockage holders, transient boaters, short-term visiting boaters, guests, and
members of the general public agree to comply with all police, fire, and sanitary
regulations and all other Ordinances of the City of Menominee, County of Menominee, and
laws of the State of Michigan, and any other governmental authority having jurisdiction
over the Marina premises. Rev. 08-09-2021
8.02 Waiver of a violation of any of the foregoing terms and provisions shall not be construed as a
waiver of any subsequent violation(s).
8.03 All seasonal dockage holders, transient boaters, short-term visiting boaters, guests, and
members of the general public agree to comply with the terms and conditions listed and with
the rules and regulations governing use of the Marina facilities attached hereto and
incorporated herein and such other reasonable regulations as the Marina may publish, post,
and/or distribute from time to time. Rev. 08-09-2021
8.03a When a Marina rule, regulation, or policy is found to conflict with a federal law, state law,
or local ordinance, that particular federal law, state law, or local ordinance shall take
precedence. 02-08-2012
8.04 The Marina shall be entitled to a possessory lien on any boat or vessel for any and all monies
owned by a seasonal dockage holder or transient boater to the Marina for dockage, storage,
work performed, services rendered, and/or materials furnished to the seasonal dockage
holder, transient boater, or his/her boat or vessel. A Seasonal Dockage Permit-Application
and Agreement (Dockage Permit/Agreement) will not be offered to anyone who has an
outstanding balance due. Rev. 12-26-2021
8.04a The Marina Management Group reserves the right to hold any individual financially
responsible for any damage he/she causes whether the act causing said damage is accidental,
neglectful, or purposeful. 12-19-2021
8.05 It is mutually understood and agreed that all terms and provisions contained in the Dockage
Permit/Agreement are severable and that in the event that any provision shall be held invalid
by a competent court, the Dockage Permit/Agreement shall be interpreted as if such invalid
term of provision or covenant were not contained in this Dockage Permit/Agreement.
8.06 All seasonal dockage holders, transient boaters, short-term visiting boaters, and his/her
guest(s) covenant and agree to indemnify and save harmless the City of Menominee, M & M
Yacht Club, Marina Management Group, State of Michigan, and all of their departments,
agencies, boards, commissions, officers, employees, and agents from any and all loss, damage,
or injury to person(s) or property, or death arising under, or in any manner related to (a) any
issued permit, (b) the activities authorized by such permit, or (c) the use or occupancy of the
premises that are subject of any permit as well as any other City or State owned lands. This
indemnification and save harmless agreement is intended to and shall extend to all loss,
damage, injury to person or property, or death, proximately caused, in whole or in part, by the
negligence or other tortious conduct of the City of Menominee, County of Menominee,
M & M Yacht Club, Marina Management Group, State of Michigan, and all of their
departments, agencies, boards, commissions, officers, employees or agents. Rev. 08-09-2021
For Further Information Call 906-863-8498 or Write:
Marina Management Group
Menominee Marina
1000 First Street
Menominee, Michigan 49858-3236
Comments, Suggestions, Concerns:
FAX: 906-864-0236
Revised 03-2005
Revised 02-2011 thru 03-2011
Revised 02-2012 thru 03-2012
Revised 12-2015
Revised 02-2020, 03-2020, 05-2020, and 06-2020
Revised 08-2021, 11-2021, and 12-2021

Hours of Operation

  • May 15th through Labor Day:
    Open 7 a.m. – 8 p.m. daily
  • Day after Labor Day to October 15th:
    Open 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. daily

Quick Links

Menominee Marina overhead view with logo
Menominee, MI
6:22 am7:11 pm CDT
Feels like: 59°F
Wind: 2mph NW
Humidity: 90%
Pressure: 30.06"Hg
UV index: 0
82°F / 57°F
82°F / 61°F
79°F / 63°F
77°F / 63°F
73°F / 61°F

Contact Us

  • 1000 First Street
    Menominee, MI
  • Business Office: (906) 864-0228
  • Harbor Masters: (906) 863-8498
  • Ch. 09 Calling Channel
    Ch. 16
    Ch. 71 Working Channel